“The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left”
Have you for ones consider the
reason why many behave irrationally, nothing they do ever make sense. A fool
will never think in the direction a wise person will think, the opposite of the
wise man’s thinking is the thinking of a foolish man.
The most painful thing is that,
fools don’t know they are foolish, their foolish act seems normal to them. The writer
even said a fool doesn’t have sense to the extent that when he works on the
street, he shows everybody how foolish he is.
The decision of the fool doesn’t benefit
him, neither does it benefit people around him, a fool think of himself alone
and end up destroying himself. A fool should not be given high position or duties;
he doesn’t know how to handle such. He destroys existing foundations and never
builds another (a better one). No advice can change his hardened heart; he
seeks advice from the wrong set of people, people that thinks like he does. The
word of God which is life is foolishness to him.
A fool doesn’t build his home; he
will rather assist in destroying others’. A fool is not teachable, he likes to
talk and talk but never listens, correct him and become his enemy, he would
rather choose death over life, he knows what to do but hates to do them, he
sees fire and intentionally enters, he sees life but intentionally ignores. A fool
goes all the way to advertise his foolishness; in his eyes he’s always right. He
is always and in all ways, vulnerable.
But what exactly put one in the
right mind, because foolishness as it is a thing of the mind, out of the
abundant of the heart the mouth speaks. Fools think too, only that the outcome
of their thinking is as good as not thinking. Wisdom is needed to be in a right
state of mind. It takes a wise man to know when he is wrong and when he is
right. He accepts your correction with much appreciation because he knows the
worth of it. He desires to know more in other to add to his knowledge. He gains
knowledge by sharing knowledge. His decisions are perfect to follow; you can be
sure you won’t fall into a pit when a wise man is leading you; he knows and
understands the road.
He beliefs in God and that tells
where exactly his source is, he follows proverbs 3:5-6, he never forgets psalm
32:8, he knows his worth by not forgetting Jeremiah 29:11, 1 peter 2:9, he
knows what it takes to give by fixing his eyes on the master of givers Act
20:35, he knows what it means to work and when to work, he serves a God who
does same, genesis 1,2:1-2, john 9:4.
You can’t pay for the words he
speaks just as you can’t pay for life. When they call for a fool, don’t look
too far, look at the criteria of been a fool and do a comparison of yourself.
Wisdom puts you in a right mind,
when you think with wisdom; you will definitely speak with wisdom, the absence
of wisdom in your thinking result into poisonous speech.
Learn more from the source of
wisdom by attaching yourself to Him, I bet you don’t want to be a fool!!!.