Tuesday, 29 March 2016


For has many who enjoyed evil, as many who find pleasure in doing evil, be it soon or later, destruction and misery are their ways.

Those whose feet are swift to shed blood, some will even say, after all I never shed any one’s blood with my bare hands I hired people to it for me, believing they will be free of judgment. Soon, very soon or maybe later, you will be destroyed.
There is no two way about evil, you are either involved or not. Instead of your feet been quick to do evil why not change your style and let those bring good news, let them publish peace, bring good tidings of good, publish salvation, so that you can get all the blessings attached to it. ISAIAH 52:7.



Jesus himself said in the book of John chapter 4 verses 21 to 24, that the time cometh when we won’t have to go to the mountain to worship, that the true worshipper will do so in spirit and in truth.

“In the last days, the mountain of the Lord’s house shall be established on the top of the mountain and shall be exalted above the hills, and all nations shall flow unto it”
Hallelujah!!! We are finally in the last days, it is that time when God’s house should be established in our life [mountain top] and God becomes our top priority.

We become a church people troop in from all nations to hear of God, to learn from God. It doesn’t just happen, it takes “working out” on self, building the spirit knowing that the top of the mountain is not your body but the spirit man that lives in that body, remembering Jesus’ word, the true worshipper can only do that in spirit and truth, no other way out, it’s a thing of the spirit no more no less.
People come from nations to hear the word of GOD from Jesus ‘mouth and he also made it a point of duty to go to nations to preach his word and heal people.

In these last days, you as an individual should be a sufficient Bible for people around you, far or near to study.



How many times do we despise and reject God?
I just got a picture of a poor boy who loves an average-class girl, the girl also do love him but each time she walks with her friends and the poor boy approaches, she will pretend she knew him not, the moment the boy reach their side and make an attempt to greet her, they all laugh like who is this? Do we know you before?

Many times we’ve deny knowing God, most especially outside the church building or outside our home. We always forget that he became so poor so we might be rich, he took all the pain, sorrow and shame upon himself and suffered for us.
Why is it now that he gave it all that you see him as one you can’t associate with?

What greater love do you think a friend can have for his friend than to die for him.?




Heaven is his throne and earth his footstool, what house then can you build that can so much attract him?

Your mansion, your bungalow and others are nothing in his sight, he is not moved by such.
But there is one house you can build and he will be glad to move in and dwell with you. That house is your HEART.

Romans 12:1 says you should prepare your body a living sacrifice one that is holy and acceptable unto God.

Your body is God’s temple, men live in house of blocks or wood but he lives inside men.

Treat that temple as God’s dwelling place for real, design it with God’s special taste or delicacy in the likes of righteousness, holiness, brokenness, love and see if he won’t dwell in there more or more.



Sin is one thing that raises its ugly head even after you’ve believed and saved unto righteousness.

There is one recommendation given to us in the text above ”Reckon yourselves to be dead indeed unto sin but alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord”.
That is a 2- in – 1 recommendation, it’s not enough to hate sin, you also must love righteousness. Jesus has died unto sin but he liveth unto God, therefore if we so believe on his name and claim and confess he has saved us, we should also know that we also are dead unto sin just like him[sin has no power over us just like him] rather we have all the power over sin.
And now we are alive unto God through Jesus Christ. His life is what we are living not ours anymore.
You are crucified [dead to sin] but nevertheless, you live but not you who live but Christ that liveth in you.
Live to enjoy what he has worked for –your salvation.


“Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have nests: but the son of man hath not where to lay his head” Luke 9:58.

It’s a pity if a landlord is working about not having a place to dwell.

The hearts of the kings are in his hands why can’t He just enter one and dwell, God has made us a free-will being, he is the owner but he put us in charge, therefore if the owner want to enter, he has to knock and we then decide to open for him or leave the owner outside in the sun or rain.

Jesus is standing by the door of your heart, knocking, he is gentle and meek, he wouldn’t enter until you give him a chance to, he won’t break in.

How do I let him in? By believing and confessing him with your mouth as your Lord and savior, allowing him to be the “LORD” that he is over your life.

Imagine the beauty of God’s dwelling place


“And Joshua said unto them, fear not, nor be dismayed, be strong and of good courage for this shall the Lord do to all your enemies against whom ye fight”

We have the habit of chewing what the devil and his agents had said. We create a web with those words and they become our fear.

A man that hears of God shouldn’t be a victim/ignorant of the word. We should learn to speak to our situation exactly what God will if he is to speak. Speak on his behalf to your challenge. At the point in this bible verse, God wasn’t speaking to Joshua but in time past God had spoken to him, he already knew what God said to him in Joshua chapter 5:9, 3:7, 1:2,7; 10:8, 8:18, 8:1.

So he gathered those words of truth God had been singing in his ears and spoke them to the situation at hand, what he said in the verse above contain the exact words he has received from God in time past.

Exactly how we should be, speak the words he speaks to your heart, ears or whatever means he speaks to you, speak them out and they will become life and spirit and begin to turn things around.

Talk more of God, less of self and none of Satan.

Wednesday, 9 March 2016


The disciples were seeing an impossible situation, those guys are many (thousands) but Jesus want to feed them, they asked him, from whence do you think we can get bread to satisfy this thousands?

They can’t see any hope neither do they have one, after all, it is plain and clear that they don’t sell bread in that desert area and if they do, they don’t have such money to feed all. That is human’s analysis.

Jesus who knows there is a store room in heaven where all things can be accessed, he took the little loaves and fishes and multiplied them and fed many. From whence? HEAVEN.

Those that know their God will be strong and do exploit.


The only moment some of us spend in God’s presence is in the church, mostly Sundays or some few weekly programs.
No individual can ever grow doing that alone, what you hear in church might be so general, how then do you pick what’s yours?

Good thing some chosen few did, when the multitude had left, they came to Jesus when he was alone and asked what the parable means. They couldn’t ask when people were many, it has to be moment alone with Christ.

And Jesus told them the good of the decision they made (to stay with Jesus alone, to inquire of him) that they will know the mystery of the kingdom of God unlike others who only hear the parables.

But my pastor breaks the mystery and gives to us in understandable form, wonderful!, that’s a good one but if he didn’t get time alone with God where do you think he’ll get all that from? Don’t neglect fellowshipping with the brethren but don’t dare joke with your personal relationship with God.

You get what is mainly for you when you draw near to God (mark 4:34b  -“ …and when they were alone, he expounded all things to his disciples”)


The son of man’s coming is going to be a surprise, no one, not even the elect know when he comes and looking at those things Jesus said will be the signs, they are happening already.
The last which is the gospel been preached in all nation is happening faster than imagined. So let the watchman (you) not be relaxed, let him not say after all Jesus is not coming now, if he knows the second or minute or hour he cometh, he would have watched, prayed and prepare his household for his coming. Just when you don’t think, that moment you least expected, the son of man shall come.

Don’t bother taking a break because he is almost here. If you are in him, continue and don’t be weary, if you are not, today you are hearing the gospel preached to you, don’t harden your heart, surrender to him.


Judas and Peter are two disciples with flaws. From the beginning, the two guys have the tendency of stopping on the way.
Judas was a thief with the bag (john 12: 4-6), and Peter was the forward one who is fast in speech but slow in action (Luke 22:55-62).

But unfortunately for Judas, that was him and he sees no reason why he should change or maybe he gave it a little try but still went back to his vomit. Every opportunity to steal what doesn’t belong to him was his major concern, even after been chosen by Jesus (saved), none of the disciples but this one remained the same after they met Jesus.

Talking about Peter, maybe I should call him a parrot, bold enough to start a talk but weak to face the action of such. The willingness in him is always expressed by his words, Jesus saw that in him and prayed for him when devil desired him (Luke 22:31-32), more reason why he repented and was forgiven after denying Jesus, “…Lord I am ready to go with thee, both into prison and to death” vs.33 of Luke 22, he was so sure of himself because deep down, that is what he wanted to do but satan was at a corner watching and planning his destruction.

Judas knew he did something wrong too but because Jesus’ words have not found a place in his life, they’ve been falling on the wrong side because he was distracted by his lust for money, major reason why he could not find any to refer to, he forgot the same one he denied preached on forgiveness. He killed himself.
Peter wept and picked up himself.

Heaven will never fail to help those who are ready to receive help. Judas is one category of Christian, Peter is another. Where can you be classified? One thing I realize is that there is a person of God you can relate with in all situations, weaknesses, challenges, joy and lots more.


It is one thing to know, it is another to act based on the knowledge.
As a Christian, it is dangerous to hear the word of God without acting on it. The bible says, do not be the hearer of the word alone, deceiving your own self. When we read God’s word and hear people preach, we nod in agreement but deep down, nothing is sinking not to talk of bearing fruit.

You may have succeeded in deceiving the preacher/ teacher or yourself but God can’t be deceived, nothing is hidden to him (Luke 12:3)

Once you know what God’s will is, do it, the reward doesn’t lie in knowing, it lies in doing.

A servant who knows what his master wants and do it not, is working towards condemnation.