Tuesday 29 March 2016


Jesus himself said in the book of John chapter 4 verses 21 to 24, that the time cometh when we won’t have to go to the mountain to worship, that the true worshipper will do so in spirit and in truth.

“In the last days, the mountain of the Lord’s house shall be established on the top of the mountain and shall be exalted above the hills, and all nations shall flow unto it”
Hallelujah!!! We are finally in the last days, it is that time when God’s house should be established in our life [mountain top] and God becomes our top priority.

We become a church people troop in from all nations to hear of God, to learn from God. It doesn’t just happen, it takes “working out” on self, building the spirit knowing that the top of the mountain is not your body but the spirit man that lives in that body, remembering Jesus’ word, the true worshipper can only do that in spirit and truth, no other way out, it’s a thing of the spirit no more no less.
People come from nations to hear the word of GOD from Jesus ‘mouth and he also made it a point of duty to go to nations to preach his word and heal people.

In these last days, you as an individual should be a sufficient Bible for people around you, far or near to study.


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