Friday, 31 July 2015


God we all know as an unchangeable changer. Before now I’ve always found myself thinking badly on this matter and I kept on asking myself some questions.

Comparing the Old Testament with New Testament, the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and so on looks totally different to the God of the New Testament yet he doesn’t change.

But he changed from been a consuming fire to a merciful comforter, he seems silent now than before, corruption everywhere, wickedness even in the gathering of believers, unhealthy competitions in the church, stealing, cheating and lying, all this seems like things the Holy one of Israel can’t take, you can’t do evil and pass a day not hearing from the Lord of host.

So what changed if God doesn’t change? I got my answer from the word for today devotional that God doesn’t change but he moves.

Move according to the dictionary is a change in position from one point to another. Movement is a change in direction not person, he did not change but his style changed, and he made a move from instant punishment to postponed and gradual punishment. He moved from counting your sins to not counting them, from taking sacrifices to making the greatest sacrifice for you.

Why he will change, I don’t know but why he won’t I am sure of, because he is God, same today yesterday and tomorrow. Your ways can’t change him, get more rotten in sin than you are already, that won’t change him, but he can move, what move he would make you can’t tell or say.

REVENGE 1 SAMUEL 30: 22-23

Most of the times we are so overwhelmed by our thirst for revenge that we actually forget that God brought the victory.

They went for a crucial battle at a crucial moment, some men stayed behind because they were so faint, two hundred of them.

God granted victory, they came back recovering all their loss and even spoil. Then the group of men the Bible regarded as wicked said because those other men didn’t go with them, they should not share in the spoil recovered.

You already know the punishment due for each of your enemies, when I finally make money, if that man dares to near my door, I would order him thrown out because he wasn’t there when I had to struggle all alone, then you begin to sound like that rich fool, who thought within him that he achieved all by himself and he should eat all by himself, he forgot that God had a hand in his success.

 The group that went with David forgot God was the one who gave the victory, it wasn’t by skills or whatever they knew. And they are not superior to the 200 behind.

Stop your revenge mission, in God’s view of it, it makes you wicked and selfish and self- glorifying.


JESUS preached in his own town every Sunday, he spoke with power and performed miracle, until one day, the people decided to allow themselves to be used by the devil. They’ve been seeing him every Sunday, but this particular Sunday, they traced him to the root, remembered that he was Joseph the carpenter’s son and they chased him.

A prophet has no honor in his own town was his reply, he left for another town not celebrating the insult but knowing the work of he who sent him must be done by day because night cometh when no man can work.

Lesson: he could get angry, intimidated, humiliated, and weary and decide not to further his journey because even his own people didn’t agree with him on it, but he didn’t, he continued for he has something to deliver to the world.

If you’ve got a package, some things installed in you from above and the first condemnation you get comes from the very people you trust the most, know that its always been like that, those who reject you now will end up celebrating you if you don’t give up the good work but if you do, the same set of people will mock you.


What is it with you, why not mind your business
Saul waited seven days for Samuel and since Samuel failed to show up, he took up Samuel’s duty, God’s duty, he simply forgot he was not anointed for that.

How many times have you try other methods just because what you are seeing is not what God promised or because he promised a package will arrive for you at noon and its already half past noon, you decide to take up his duty.

If he is not going to help me then I’d do it myself or seek help somewhere else have you suddenly forgotten what the Bible made us to understand? That when he say a thing, he will do it, he honors his words more than his name and if these points seems lame to convince you that he hasn’t forgotten you, then what of his ways not been your ways and his thought been far from yours.

One faithful morning, after studying the word, 1 chronicles 13-14, the two times the Philistines showed up, he asked Lord if he could go against them, at the two occasions, he got different answers, I conclude in my heart not to dwell on what works in the past or what doesn’t, I learnt to always acknowledge  God and ask “if I should go”, still in bed I told God I wanted to go to the library and asked if I will see all that am looking for and he said yes, he will make everything work more than I planned in that manner(no quotation). Sad enough I spent hours in the library searching but nothing good showed up, I was disappointed and felt so bad, maybe he didn’t even ask me to come in the first place, 

I was leaving the library but as I got to the door I heard an alert on my phone, it was Wi-Fi available alert, it was free, I connected sat down near the door, downloaded enough books needed to carry me through the semester, maybe not how I imagined it to be but it happened and was far better than my imaginations.

We feel bad many times when things doesn’t look exactly like we wanted or imagined it to be, my Bible told me MY GOD CAN DO EXCEEDINGLY, ABUNDANTLY ABOVE ALL WE COULD ASK OF HIM. He promised a great place to work, you got there and it appeared lesser than your standard, wait where he has put you and let him appear and do what he promised.

Don’t limit God with your so called imaginations, don’t take up his business because you think he is slow. He works with time more than you do and his timing is always the best after all.


Those ahead of Jesus told the man to shut up, what does he want in the first place?, why was he shouting.
He wanted a miracle, a change of personality, a new identity, promotion, he was tired of darkness and needed to see, then some group of satisfied human beings told him to shut up, to stop asking, seeking or knocking on the door of mercy.

 Hey, that isn’t an old story, people are telling you to shut up, stop going after your dream, you aren’t going to get it, you will fail at the end why border yourself to try.

But its Jesus of Nassarect am talking to, do you think he has time for people like you? Your situation is such a dirty one, so therefore, shut up! That was the tone of conversation between the guys and the blind man.

Something within you keeps telling you, you can’t, you are too weak, and that height is too high for you to reach. You know what, don’t dare to shut up because just when you are about to, the son of man may appear, and Jesus stopped and ordered him to be brought over, can you imagine that, everyone shut up the hope in him but he keeps it on until his miracle came to him.

Let the hope you have in me keep you joyful(Romans 12:12), go ahead, see again, your faith has saved and healed you, that was Jesus’ reply after the man said he wanted to see.

Dear, what do you think would have happened if he kept quiet because some people told him to do so? If you don’t give up, you will get there.

You can’t quit here until you get what you want what you’ve been destined to get. Don’t shut up, I will never let you go unless you bless me should be your song.