Friday, 31 July 2015


I say verily unto you, my words are spirit and life (john 6:63b). I alone say that which is true. I hate lies, I don’t pick lie as option at any point.

I am never short of ways because I can never be short of myself.
 Then I created this being called man, from the start he betrayed me his master by eating a forbidden fruit. To save himself, lie was an option.

Who should you then believe, the one whose words of last 20 centuries still stands for the current century or the one whose words of yesterday conflict that of today. What will you rather say or emphasize, the words of the truth and the way or that of the one whose knowledge is limited.

Who would you rather follow, the one who knows tomorrow, was in the past, currently in the present and is still in the future or the one whose time fades away every single day?

What God says or what the king wants. Would you rather do things the king’s way like Amaziah or follow Amos’ path and go the Lord’s way. God’s ways, thoughts and will differ from that of man, you can’t be doing what man says and still do what God says.

But knowing the two parties very well, and their weaknesses if there exist any, what would your choice be. Today I set before you life and death, choose but as for me and my house we’ve chosen the Lord, Daniel and his guys were on the Lord’s side, they followed the Lord’s method and came out outshining those who followed the king’s order.

Man’s words only make a temporal impact if at all it does make one but God’s is ever truth and faithful. You are not too sure of whom to follow, scared to make a choice? Our Lord Jesus Christ did when he was just a child, the twelve disciples did, Elisha did, Timothy did.

God is the only best option, it is better to suffer in the hands of God than man, in like manner it is better to enjoy that which comes from God than that of man. He made man and has the heart of man in his hands
Instead of choosing the owner of the heart, why not choose the one who created the owner of the heart.

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