Thursday, 25 June 2015

Amos 5:4,6 Seek God Nothing But God

I have heard this statement multiple times, the statement is: our God is a jealous God. This was glaring from the beginning, he said let us create man in our image, he made man and woman and put them in charge of the earth and everything that lives in it just to his glory, the bible said he loved everything he created because they were all beautiful, that means from creation, all things were created for his pleasure and to his satisfaction alone.

Then man sinned by going outside the will of their jealous owner, I’ve given you everything and I never said I was going to stop there, then one person came and told you some things and you believed him over me?, it must be a joke, I can’t take you yielding to another master, because of this, God sent man out of the beautiful garden.

God won’t share you or your attention with another master, little wonder the bible said you can’t serve God and serve momma, you would rather choose one.

For thus says the lord to the house of Israel, seek me and you shall live, the amplified version put the “seek” this way: inquire for and of me and require me as you require food. I can’t have a dog as a pet and the dog will keep going to the man next door, no, it’s mine, it should report to me not another. Same with God he loves it when the people he called by his name will always and in all situations seek him.

The lord rewards those who diligently seek him, seeking is like worshipping, when you inquire and require someone like you require food, then you can’t do without the person or thing, you need such person or thing to survive.

Imagine is money, shoes, bags, jewelry, make up, some hand-made images, friend or even family, you see this way, you inquire of and require any or all of these as if without them you have no life, he only want you to see him and no other thing as your life, without him, you won’t even be in existence, without him the so called things or people you worship above him won’t exist.

Stop spending your money on what is not food; he is the giver of whatever you may want or need, seek him and get the life greater than what you ever dreamt of.

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