Tuesday, 22 September 2015


Some of us live our life like there is no God, we do our struggles alone, we don’t want him get involve in our stuffs, we prefer to do our thing our own way.

Seriously you can believe that, you have the right to believe whatever you want from the beginning it’s been like that. But this is the truth, you may not want to take it, whether you take it or leave it, He(Jesus) is Lord, he was, he is and he is to come.

And truthfully all your struggles are just mere wastes without him, he made you and everything you are trying to make can never be made without him (without him was nothing made that was made). Your journey is in two phases, one here on earth (temporal) and that there in eternity (believe it or not), eternity happens to be in two places, heaven or hell, every single choice or decision you make here on earth draws you a step closer to where you’re spending your eternity.

It’s not a threat, it’s the truth, one that even you can’t deny, you know he do exist even in your stories but you just find it so hard to know how. Stop bordering about the how, that’s a great burden he asked you to bring to him in Mathew chapter 11.

He wouldn’t die again to make you believe he loves and cares for you, it is appointed for a man to die once, he died once and judgment is what follows, to give reward to each fellow according to their deeds.

He make the best out of you, where you are now is just not the best, what you have that seem best now is just isn’t it, nothing was made without him, without him you can do nothing, your something you doing up and down the universe equals nothing, what shall it profit a man to gain the world and lose his soul.


The earth and its fullness there of belong to God, go up and down, enjoy all the stuff around but don’t feel at home.

Why? This is not home, your home is where you coming from, where we are now is just a journey, everyone has got one or two things to deliver (sent from heaven) and one or two things to acquire but we’ve all got to go back.

Feeling at home in a strange land is changing your citizenship, we are citizens of heaven, no matter the number of years we each spend here, we are heading back there. When you feel at home where is not home, you forget home, no wonder Jesus said we are in the world but not of the world, I live here but don’t belong here.

A good citizen of a place will always or daily remember where he’s from no matter the degree of enjoyment he’s having where he is at present.

So therefore in your living your life here on earth (this journey) beware that you don’t change your citizenship, if you do you can’t go back there, someone may say, I can at least stay here when others are gone, No, there won’t be “here” again, when you change your citizenship, the only permanent location available aside heaven is hell not earth. God bless and help you.


A temple is a dwelling place usually holy and designated for worship.

Imagine a friend invites you to the temple where they worship, on getting there you fought with bushes before you could enter, entering the temple there were dirt all over, you try to sit but you can’t because the chairs are extra dusty, you try to kneel you can’t because the floor is messed with goat’s poo, standing you aren’t comfortable because there were cobweb all over, what will you do when your friend says to you “enjoy your stay here”? You will be like “really? Enjoy?” what is there to enjoy when I can’t even take a comfortable position.

Same thing with God when you cry Lord let your spirit dwell in me, and in you there is all the mess one can’t explain (sin), your heart is too busy, he can’t even find a position to stay, he’ll leave.
The Bible says you should prepare yourself holy and accepted Romans 12:1, clean up what needs to be cleaned and he will do the rest.

Like Joyce Meyer said “do what you can and he(God) will do what you cannot” what you can do here is to prepare that body and he will come descending like a dove and dwell in you.


Have you noticed how kids grow so fast now a days? A child given birth to last four years is now seeking for some freedom too. Daddy I want to play outside with my friends, like that the child grows within few years, get married and the same process begins with the children, now the child is old and dies, really when was the child was given birth to?. So short, that’s how a man’s life is, vanity, each day draws one nearer to his grave. His days are like shadow that pass away.

You don’t have all the time or the years, make what is wrong right today that you are here, tomorrow you may not be here. Don’t postpone the good works, do what you need when you need to. There is this new habit, I developed lately, if I have a work to do, and I am watching a movie, there is a reminder in me that will repeat this statement over and over- “I will do the work when there is work, when there is no work I will catch the fun”if I have something to do I will do if I don’t have then I can play.

Jesus said, my meat is to do the work of him who sent me, not that he doesn’t eat meat, maybe a day before he ate meat, but when the major call comes he neglected the pleasure and do the work, there will always be time to eat meat but for those souls, that may be the last opportunity for some of them.

Do the work while it’s day because night cometh when no man shall work. John 9:4

MY THOUGHTS Proverbs 16:1-3

It is so difficult to figure out how I find it hard often time to control what I think. They come within Nano seconds and most of the times I just wish I think nothing, I just wish my mind is just plain.

The thoughts are unstable, sometimes they are evil, and sometimes they are things I dare not do or even say out loud.

Really, commit your works unto the Lord and thy thought shall be established, what’s the correlation between work and thought. I’m just getting that now, most of the things I think about are works incubated in my thought, not yet given birth to, when I do those thoughts they come into actions and become my works.

But if I could just commit the works, my works to the hand of God, there won’t be a need to be overweighed with thoughts, I will have a break and when I say break, I really mean break, because he will establish the thoughts and give peace to my mind.


As a shepherd, you are to feed the flock, psalms 23 explains fully the works of a shepherd. He maketh the flock to lie down in green pastures and leadeth the flock beside the still waters, a shepherd prepared a table before the flock. But the kind of shepherd the Lord is angry with in this bible passage allowed the sheep to wander through all mountains, this shepherd has forgotten his duty, he stopped feeding the flocks and start feeding himself, he became fat of “the word” but the sheep are unfed with “the word”.

The very moment you put on the selfish garment as a shepherd, you misplace your priority(the sheep), you become your own priority when the sheep should be your first priority.

A good shepherd restores the souls of the sheep. The bad one refuse to strengthen the diseased, heal the sick, bound up the broken. He has been given that authority, the power to anoint the sick, the word to make wise the simple but he knows all these and make it personal.

A good shepherd leads the flock in the paths of righteousness, a bad shepherd have his eyes opened while the sheep get missing and refuse to bring back those driven away, seek the lost, which was what our Lord Jesus did as a good shepherd.

Every shepherd has a report to give for each sheep in his care if it wasn’t that important, why do you think the shepherd will leave the 99 sheep and go after one missing. For each flock you must account for, “I will require my flock at their hand, and cause them to seek from feeding the flock…neither shall they feed themselves anymore…”

The ministry will be taken away, at both end you will lose because of your carelessness and selfishness toward the flock.  Your selfish reason won’t be satisfied anymore, you’ll again lose the chance of leading the sheep.

God’s eye is on you, how are you treating the sheep?


A watchman is simply someone that watch out for others, he gives alert when an evil is coming or something is about to go wrong.

A watchman can be elected or selected, whichever way, once a man finds himself in that position, he is bound to answer or account for the lives he is watching over. The watchman is meant to blow the trumpet and warn the people whenever he sees the sword coming upon the land. Blowing the trumpet can be done in several ways, it may be making awareness, it can be inform of signs or examples.

A watchman’s duty requires him to be at alert and all ears always(complete attention). He is not meant to sleep, imagine the sword coming at night, he is not supposed to slumber but of course he is still human, how can he not sleep, yes, he should and must not sleep in the spirit, even if his flesh is asleep he should be awake always in the spirit.

He will always see the sword coming, he must blow the trumpet whenever he sees, if he doesn’t the blood of thousands and millions that will dies by the sword will be upon his head, I remember Paul stating clearly that no man’s blood his upon his head because he went from house to house, door to door to blow the trumpet. If he does blow the trumpet and some be not warned, then their own blood will be on their heads, it was said or announced or proclaimed but was ignored.

Anyone God speaks to and gives instructions for others and refuses to deliver has failed as a watchman. Anyone who sees the sign and ignored it and render millions unwarned has failed as a watchman. A watchman say as it is, no sweet talk and no deduction of what he has seen.

Help me to be a watchman who will have no one’s blood on his head.

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

ENJOY- Ecclesiastes 3:13

When you work and earn, eat, and drink; enjoy the fruit of what you’ve worked for.
It’s not a sin to enjoy your life, it’s not a sin to even decide to throw a party for your achievement, but the sin is to be foolish.

Been foolish is eating and drinking forgetting the one who blessed your work, the foolish act is setting your mind or heart on the riches, the bible said, if riches come, don’t set your heart on them.

I love riches and no doubt I will be rich, very rich for that matter, I will enjoy every moment but I won’t do that with my mouth alone but with my brain and heart, heart to reference the one who gave and the brain to bring me to the consciousness of who I really am, not to eat away my destiny. When I feel like buying a designer bag worth 6million I will do that when I settle that person in need of just 6000.

Your wealth should not be measured by the standard of this world neither should your spending be based on the standard of this world. The world knows you are rich when your bank account weighs a particular amount and when what you wear or use meets up with their standard. But in God’s eyes your wealth is determined by what treasure you’ve stored in heaven and your spending by your giving.

Life is sweet when you enjoy it the Lord’s way, what he has given you is not just for you but also for “them”, don’t ignore the needs of the “them” because he lives in the “them” and what you do for or to “them”, you do for or to him.

Season –Ecclesiastes 3:3

“A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down, and a time to dance;”

Like a song writer wrote, to everything there is a season…there’s a miracle on your way, it’s not time to walk away, there is a plan for me and you… everything that happen to a man happen in seasons be it good or bad.

The good news for those in the bad season is that season changes, if you are calm enough and didn’t mess things up because of the current situation, the better plan will come just in a switch, it will happen like switching between on and off. You may be broke today, the season is coming when you will enjoy plenty in time of famine, now is not the time to walk away, if you didn’t walk away until now, don’t border doing it now because your miracle might just be on the way.

To those in good season, the sad news is, season changes, how you spend the current season you are in can determine what the content of next season will be. There can be a switch from good to bad if you don’t watch it. If you use your good season of having 3 bouncing kids to oppress that person with none, there can be a swap, an exchange, the one who use to have can become the one with none. The hopeless can still be filled with hope.

The lesson is this, the season you are in doesn’t make you superior or inferior to anybody, it’s just a season.

THEN AND NOW Genesis 3:16

Then, woman out of ignorant and insufficient information yielded to the devil’s advice and ate from the tree, she didn’t stop there, she gave it to her husband, the one whom God really gave the instruction to, the one who had the best understanding.

God was angry and distributed curses to each party present. Satan got his, the man did and so was the woman.

Unto us(man and woman) a child is born, unto us a son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulder (Isaiah 9:6), the son is given for the purpose of redeeming human from the generational curse they shared from the offense of Adam and Eve, that whosoever believeth in him, shall not die but have everlasting life (john 3:16), for this reason there is no more condemnation if one is in Christ Jesus(Romans 8:1) and so old things (curses) have gone and all things have become new(2 Corinthians 5:17).

The era of man sweating before eating has gone, the era of woman bringing forth her children in sorrow has gone, the era of the desire of the woman been to her husband  and she bringing forth her children in sorrow has gone as well. All these were curses that came along with their sin in the Garden of Eden.

Through Adam sin came into the world and all men suffered from that, through one man Jesus life came (Romans 5:17,18) why can’t all men (man and woman) enjoy  that life to the fullness. When Jesus came and shed his blood, he did it to erase all traces of the sin that came through Adam, that we may have redemption through him.


When payment was still made for atonement of soul, it doesn’t matter your wealth or your lack equal amount is required of the poor and rich, male or female.

Same with the blood of the lamb through which atonement is now made for our sins. He doesn’t matter your level, or the level you think you are now, the same access the person you think has a higher level of spirituality has is what you have.

The blood isn’t thicker for some group of people and watery for some. God is not a respecter of persons, if you don’t know how to use the blood of the lamb, you only deny yourself of the access you have, but the fullness of it is there for you.

God isn’t a respecter of persons, in his sight none is big or small, no level or hierarchy with him, the same spirit gives as he pleases but surely not partially.

The unneeded guilt you feel is because you don’t know to what extent the blood of Jesus has cleansed or atoned for you. It’s no longer you paying to be atoned; you were paid for to be atoned.

No sin is greater than the other, sin equal sin and same amount of blood washes all, don’t think there is a particular one the blood wouldn’t wash. All is half a shekel.


God never take a step without a loop of tolerance.

I attended a voluntary bible study in school, I remembered someone asked why God send some people to hell when he claims to love us all.

Maybe you’ve asked the same question, someone gave the person an answer I love, that was, God sends no one to hell, but people send themselves to hell. Doesn’t the bible put it this way, God is faithful and just to forgive, moreover he doesn’t want the death of a sinner but for any sinner to repent.

I am working on a book that is titled- God loves the ugly, God loves the ugly but hates ugly, he loves sinners because they are still his children but he hates sin because that separate his children from his love.

My pastor, my priest – Exodus 28:12, 29, 30

Aaron shall bear the name of the children of Israel on the breast plate of judgment upon his heart,… for a memorial before the Lord continually”

Poor me, I taught in a Sunday school class where I barely knew one person’s name.
Why must Aaron bear the names always? To show that this ministry thing is not just about him, but about the caller and those for him he was called. God called him to lead his children Israel, so in case you start seen this calling upon your life as a means to be famous, make riches no one ever made, you are missing the identity already, maybe we should have a breastplate engraved with the names of your members and many unsaved souls out there on it and you should carry it about.

You are to take them to God and ensure they stay with God, sure, you won’t force any that want to go but your prayers will do much more than you think. You can think, let them be engraved in your heart so whenever you go to God, you will take them along.

The calling wasn’t for you after all but to help them and to serve God, anything outside that, you are missing your mission.


“…whom I have filled with the spirit of wisdom…”

Are there things we do in this world that we can’t do the Lord’s way? Are there situations or task that doesn’t concern or shouldn’t involve God?

I don’t think there is any. Maybe you haven’t heard of a divinely inspired tailor, a tailor with a tag “made in heaven”. God said there are some whom he had filled with his spirit of wisdom just to make cloth for Aaron, as a matter of fact God was recommending them to Moses. (Divine advertisement)

Your work is just to make snacks and then you wonder what God has got to do with that since you’ve got your skills and sure know how to market your work. But do you know that business comes in two ways, the first category is a business where customers run after the business owner just to have their goods or services while the second category is that which the owner runs after the customers.

If your source is God, your struggle becomes fun, you work less and get more, you have no need of advertising yourself, he will. If God had told Moses to choose any tailor, he would have because he definitely knew quite a number of them but God said I don’t need the “good” ones, I need those who I have inspired, you may sell the same good with other 50 sellers around you but when God start introducing you to the world, when he starts recommending you for kings, the different will make the difference.

There will be millions of people baking cake but yours will be specially ordered for by presidents because when the inspiration is of God, the advertisement is done by no other than him. If he has called you, he will justify that call.
Don’t struggle to do things the world way because your business or ministry isn’t yielding yet. Pray and let God breathe over it and wait and see how much of choice the people he breathe life into have than to accept you.
Be diligent in God’s way so you can stand before kings.