Tuesday, 8 September 2015


God himself told Jacob to leave Laban’s place that he was going to deal with him well, the journey started and not so long all he could see was a picture that got him afraid, his expectation was not  what is about to happen, he taught Esau was going to come and destroy him but again he remembered what God said, he understood that dealing with him well is totally different from his brother destroying him or his family, he called upon the name of the God who promised to help, he reminded him of his promise.

Also if Esau should kill his children and their mothers, that will contradict what God said when he said, I will make thy seed as the sand of the sea… if the same set of seed you have given me should die, where then does your promise lies.

Just let him know he had said something to you about the situation. Remind him of what he said and if possible when and where he said it.

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