Tuesday, 22 September 2015


As a shepherd, you are to feed the flock, psalms 23 explains fully the works of a shepherd. He maketh the flock to lie down in green pastures and leadeth the flock beside the still waters, a shepherd prepared a table before the flock. But the kind of shepherd the Lord is angry with in this bible passage allowed the sheep to wander through all mountains, this shepherd has forgotten his duty, he stopped feeding the flocks and start feeding himself, he became fat of “the word” but the sheep are unfed with “the word”.

The very moment you put on the selfish garment as a shepherd, you misplace your priority(the sheep), you become your own priority when the sheep should be your first priority.

A good shepherd restores the souls of the sheep. The bad one refuse to strengthen the diseased, heal the sick, bound up the broken. He has been given that authority, the power to anoint the sick, the word to make wise the simple but he knows all these and make it personal.

A good shepherd leads the flock in the paths of righteousness, a bad shepherd have his eyes opened while the sheep get missing and refuse to bring back those driven away, seek the lost, which was what our Lord Jesus did as a good shepherd.

Every shepherd has a report to give for each sheep in his care if it wasn’t that important, why do you think the shepherd will leave the 99 sheep and go after one missing. For each flock you must account for, “I will require my flock at their hand, and cause them to seek from feeding the flock…neither shall they feed themselves anymore…”

The ministry will be taken away, at both end you will lose because of your carelessness and selfishness toward the flock.  Your selfish reason won’t be satisfied anymore, you’ll again lose the chance of leading the sheep.

God’s eye is on you, how are you treating the sheep?

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