Wednesday, 16 September 2015

ENJOY- Ecclesiastes 3:13

When you work and earn, eat, and drink; enjoy the fruit of what you’ve worked for.
It’s not a sin to enjoy your life, it’s not a sin to even decide to throw a party for your achievement, but the sin is to be foolish.

Been foolish is eating and drinking forgetting the one who blessed your work, the foolish act is setting your mind or heart on the riches, the bible said, if riches come, don’t set your heart on them.

I love riches and no doubt I will be rich, very rich for that matter, I will enjoy every moment but I won’t do that with my mouth alone but with my brain and heart, heart to reference the one who gave and the brain to bring me to the consciousness of who I really am, not to eat away my destiny. When I feel like buying a designer bag worth 6million I will do that when I settle that person in need of just 6000.

Your wealth should not be measured by the standard of this world neither should your spending be based on the standard of this world. The world knows you are rich when your bank account weighs a particular amount and when what you wear or use meets up with their standard. But in God’s eyes your wealth is determined by what treasure you’ve stored in heaven and your spending by your giving.

Life is sweet when you enjoy it the Lord’s way, what he has given you is not just for you but also for “them”, don’t ignore the needs of the “them” because he lives in the “them” and what you do for or to “them”, you do for or to him.

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