Wednesday, 16 September 2015

THEN AND NOW Genesis 3:16

Then, woman out of ignorant and insufficient information yielded to the devil’s advice and ate from the tree, she didn’t stop there, she gave it to her husband, the one whom God really gave the instruction to, the one who had the best understanding.

God was angry and distributed curses to each party present. Satan got his, the man did and so was the woman.

Unto us(man and woman) a child is born, unto us a son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulder (Isaiah 9:6), the son is given for the purpose of redeeming human from the generational curse they shared from the offense of Adam and Eve, that whosoever believeth in him, shall not die but have everlasting life (john 3:16), for this reason there is no more condemnation if one is in Christ Jesus(Romans 8:1) and so old things (curses) have gone and all things have become new(2 Corinthians 5:17).

The era of man sweating before eating has gone, the era of woman bringing forth her children in sorrow has gone, the era of the desire of the woman been to her husband  and she bringing forth her children in sorrow has gone as well. All these were curses that came along with their sin in the Garden of Eden.

Through Adam sin came into the world and all men suffered from that, through one man Jesus life came (Romans 5:17,18) why can’t all men (man and woman) enjoy  that life to the fullness. When Jesus came and shed his blood, he did it to erase all traces of the sin that came through Adam, that we may have redemption through him.

Why then do we still celebrate the curse and still accept it as normal, what is normal in hardship? Remember the devil came to steal, destroy and kill and all that, he did from the beginning but whatever he stole back then had been restored by giving himself (Jesus) in our stead.

The new era is the era of man loving (not ruling) his wife and woman submitting to her husband (not her desire been to her husband). Man was meant to love; ruling over the wife was part of the curse.
Stop celebrating curses, let us embrace the grace through Christ Jesus and live the normal and initial life God planned for man and woman. Both to replenish, subdue and have dominion.

Then we were in bondage but now we are free, celebrate your freedom.

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