Friday, 30 October 2015


Peter started way back before Paul but the senior brother did something that wasn’t upright, what would you as a person expect him to do, to keep quiet because he is still growing?
Let’s take the scenario of a small child whose mum always sing to her ears not to lie, the same mum was receiving a call the person on phone asked her a question to which the answer was Yes but mum answered No, as a child she should rather keep quiet but she knew her mum was wrong because she was the one who always taught against that.

As a child of God be it you are just starting or you feel you are a pioneer believer, the truth should not hide in your belly, always speak the truth no matter the cost. Don’t feel intimidated because the subject is older than you in the faith, if you don’t correct him his mates might not either.

Don’t wait until the elders see it themselves, but let your approach be edifying and loving, also let it glorify God so you won’t judge him or her.

The gospel is not by age, you are not inferior or superior to anyone in this (the Gospel).


Sometimes I look at myself and wonder deeply what God saw in me to choose me for this kind of work, hmmm, my weaknesses are glaring enough, even the blind can see them, it seems to me like only God is unaware of my incompetent. 

But really, he has no interest in them, he knows all those things I struggle with but doesn’t see them as perfect limitation(s), talking about holy people, I don’t think I will make it to the list, but when the topic is changed to the chosen people, I should be number one on the list.

With God you can’t say never, he might leave a prophet and choose a prostitute, he can leave the pastor aside and decides to use a cleaner in the church, he just do his things to his pleasure and for his glory.

Qualification is not by some carnal characteristics, grace the exact grace greater than our sins is what works, no wonder Moses made it clear to the Israelite that they should not at any point when they attain think it is by their righteousness (Deut. 9:4-5).

You are not superior to any.


A girl who visits a family no matter how regular she visits, she remains a stranger but say the father of the house decides one day to adopt her and change her name, she becomes the daughter no more a stranger.
Be the most punctual in church for any program so far you aren’t born again through the blood of Jesus, people may see you as a daughter but to him you are just a stranger who visits often.

We as believers were once dead in sin but by grace we’ve been pardoned and bought into the family by the precious blood of Christ Jesus.

A stranger has no free access to what a daughter has access to, so stop behaving like a stranger and start possessing your possession as a daughter.

God now knows you and you know him, you are his, what he has is all yours.


“…he will not be slack to him that hateth him” 

When you hate God’s reflection, you hate him, when you hate someone who is made in God’s image, you hate God, the bible said anyone who doesn’t love is a murderer.

If you hate another or even yourself, you are a murderer and God won’t spare a murderer, he won’t be slack to those who hate him, do you ever look at a man, do you ever look at a man of God and say “how I hate this man” it’s just as simple as saying “how I hate this God”.

When you dance in sin, you begin to express your hate towards God, don’t wait until he repays you to your face before you repent your ways.

POWER - DEUT. 6:11-12

“…when thou shall have eaten and be full; then beware lest thou forget the Lord…” 

Just today my cousin and I were discussing about those in power (money) imagine just a single person stealing up to 16trillion of the government money, another 17trillion another72billion, I figured out that they aren’t all bad from scratch, some went there with the motive of changing things and putting things in Godly way but they saw treasures they had never seen before, they were given a well-furnished house full of everything one can call good or perfect, talk about the car, the allowances, so big!!! That they now want it bigger!!!

That’s exactly what God is telling us not to do as his children today, when/if you find yourself in a place of power, beware lest you forget God, don’t get too relaxed, the things available are supposed to make you comfortable but don’t get too comfortable, your three times daily prayer gradually reducing to one and half and later you don’t even remember to talk with God.

 A time and opportunity like this is when you should talk more with God because the temptation rate is just increased even 10 times.

Don’t relax and enjoy while you disjoin yourself with God.


There are many nations in the world yet there is this one nation after God’s own heart, a nation that moves God to do what he hasn’t done before, to work in a way he hasn’t worked before, to take decision that will cost him his son.
Below are his moves to take his begotten nation from a rotten nation:

By temptations: he first hardened the heart of pharaoh so that he wouldn’t let his people go, just to glorify himself and for the special reservation of punishment he had for them.

By signs and wonders: he performed those through Moses and Aaron, even the magicians of the nation acknowledged his works.

By war: that’s when he killed all their first born sons, what war can be greater than that.

By a mighty hand: he went before them by day in a pillar of cloud and at night with a pillar of fire, there enemies never met them.

By stretched out arm: he divided the red sea and made his children to pass on the dry ground.
By great terror: finally, not only did he save his children, he destroyed their enemies.

We are the spiritual Israelites, we are the freeborn whom the Lord will go any length to fight for, we are the apple of his eyes, we are more precious than a thousand sparrow.Our God is not short of strategies. He is still mighty to save.