Sunday, 25 October 2015

The Light Pain and the Thick Gain - [2Cor4:17]

Whatever we suffer here for righteousness sake abound to glory in heaven.
   More reason why Paul and the other guy were beaten and they came out rejoicing for being persecuted for the sake of Christ, something greater than what they suffered kept them happy, the hope of resurrection kept their joy full.

Also the assurance that the same person which raised Jesus up from the dead will raise them kept them going.

 The outward man may perish now, the inward man is renewed day-by-day, is it the pain on the outward man that brings joy and renewal to the inward man? No, but the gain that awaits the inward man when the outward man dies.

 The light affliction which is just temporal when considered is worth it because it works out a more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.

Jesus was tired on the outside but on the inside He encouraged Himself because of the joy set before Him.
Don’t give up too soon, the pain aren’t much when compared to the gain.

 It is like a friend telling you to say hi to an unknown person for a huge sum of money, you agreed, but on seeing the person, he appears so unapproachable, scary and you can even imagine 1050 possible reactions from that fellow, but really! You remembered that amount. ‘’Oh No! I will do whatever it takes’’ you say to yourself. Exactly! What should get you going is the gain and if you are going to stop for whatever reason, it shouldn’t be for the pain. God’s best!

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