Sunday, 25 October 2015

Be Humble and Receive the Humble

It is an instruction with condition, to be humble as a child so as to be great in heaven, if you are humble as a child, you don’t keep enemies, you aren’t angry with no one and even if you are angry, you don’t store it, exactly! Humility prevents you from doing many wrongs, it sets you in a way that makes God want to glorify you.
 The story Jesus told, teaching us humility, imagine you were invited to a party, you went straight to the high table and eventually, they ushered you back to the lower and common table, or you get there, sat down on the common table and get ushered to the high table. One sure has a happy ending than the other, the one done with humility of course!.

 It is not just enough to be humble, you have to receive other humble people.’’…And whosoever shall receive one such little (humble) child in my name recieveth me…’’

Don’t take advantage of any humble individual, if you do, it is worst for you just as the word of God had put it. CELEBRATE HUMILITY!!

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